Kitchenhelper Angelina 👩🏻🍳 She is from Belarus, speaks Russian, English, a bit Lithuanian.
kitchenhelper Victoria 👩🏻🍳 Victoria is from Ukraine. speaks Russian, Ukrainian and little bit Lithuanian.
Lilija is kitchenhelper from Ukraine 👩🏻🍳 Mother of 4 children and very caring master 🥰
Our kitchenhelper Maria 👩🏼🍳 She has been in the beauty industry for about 5 years. She enjoys drawing and cooking Maria is the owner of a cat :)
Kitchenhelper Valerija 👩🏻🍳 She is a teacher by education, and it left a specific imprint on her current work - everything should be perfect to her mind! Valerija has been a nail master for 5 years already. Her family is quite big: a husband, two daughters and two chinchillas! Valerija is fond of embroidery. Valeria speaks Ukraine, Russian, little bit Lithuanian and English👩🏻🎓
Kitchenhelper Veronika 👩🏼🍳 She loves cats, but dreams of a corgi! She was fascinated by the nail design since her childhood. Despite that fact, she's been working for 6 years as a... chef! Can you imagine! Seems like, all roads lead to The Kitchen 👩🏼🍳 And we're happy to have her as our Kitchenhelper 🙌 Veronika is from Belarus. She speaks Belarusian, Russian, little bit Lithuanian and English 👩🏼🎓
Kitchenhelper Christina👩🏼🍳 She has been working as an IT-specialist for 2.5 year before she started being nail technician. She just loves everything about beauty and comfort, that's why all her hobbies are so creative: lettering, decorating gifts, crocheting, and of course - manicure!💅 "Happy clients - this is my personal kind of inspiration!" - she says. Christina speaks Russian, English and little bit Lithuanian👩🏼🎓
Instructor and brand manager of The Kitchen.
Yana Kitchenhelper 👩🏻🍳 from Ukraine
Kitchenhelper Marina 👩🏻🍳 Marina's dream was to learn how to do manicure professionally. This dream brought her to our studio. She is a mom of little son and cutie dog :)
The Kitchen - tai jauki nagų studija, siūlanti manikiūro, pedikiūro ir antakių modeliavimo paslaugas. Apsilankymo metu, jus pavaišins skaniu gėrimu, pasodins į patogų krėslą su pagalve ir rūpestingai bei dėmesingai aptarnaus.
Čia meistrai padarys viską, kad liktumėte patenkinti ir laimingi. Pavyzdžiui, prie procedūros galite pridėti galvos ir pečių masažą, kuris jus atpalaiduos ir padės pamiršti apie dienos rūpesčius.
O jei norite gerai praleisti laiką su artimaisiais ar draugais - The Kitchen siūlo unikalų SPA vakarėlių paketą! Putojantys vynas, lengvi užkandžiai, pokalbiai, rankų ir kojų SPA procedūros bei lengvi masažai visai kompanijai - tai nuostabus sumanymas gimtadieniams, mergvakariams ir šeimos susitikimams!
Nuoširdžiai laukiame jūsų apsilankant ❤️
Artimiausias viešasis transportas: Troleibusai 6 ir 12. Stotelės pavadinimas: "Trakų".
Komanda: Christina, Valeriia, Tatsiana, Yuliia, Veronika, Tatsiana.
Produktai bei prekiniai ženklai: Didierlab, OPI, Masura, Famos name (IBX).